
Scenar for Beginners

SCENAR for Beginners is for all the SCENAR Home users and Professionals that become overwhelmed about the What, Where, When, Why and How to use their SCENAR Device. It can appear overwhelming and you may become anxious and hesitant when faced with a chronic condition, an immediate accident or if a condition gets exacerbated after treatment. I wrote this book to make the use of SCENAR simplified and understandable by using pictures, showing pad placement, explaining Protocols and Settings, thereby giving you maximum potential from your device.

To purchase, click on the above image or follow this link to my Amazon author page.

Book of Sayings Book 1, Book 2, Book 3, Book 4, Book 5, Book 6 and Book 7 are Now available

Book of Sayings is a collection of condensed simple, short and to the point personal quotes, adaptable to every experience and every person. They guide you on life choices, life direction, personal relationships and prioritization in life to gain health and contentment. Each saying supports the release of thought that causes negativity, clears beliefs that lead you on hazardous and dangerous paths and illuminates the way to proceed. These Sayings can be used in speeches, quoted in books, read for personal direction, to gain clarity in life or told to others for inspiration. Read 1 daily or open daily to find your focus of the day.

Libro dei Detti Libro 1

Libro dei Detti è una raccolta di citazioni semplici, sintetiche e personali, adattabili a ogni esperienza e a ogni persona. Questa raccolta ti guida nelle scelte della vita: quali direzioni prendere, quali relazioni personali coltivare e ti aiuta nella definizione delle priorità nella tua vita per migliorare la salute fisica e mentale. Ogni definizione ti supporta quando hai pensieri negativi, ti aiuta a cancellare le convinzioni che ti portano su percorsi pericolosi illustrandoti la strada da percorrere.
Questo catalogo di definizioni e detti può essere usato nei discorsi in pubblico, come citazioni scritte, per ogni uso personale col fine di ottenere chiarezza nella vita o semplicemente trasmettere agli altri la tua ispirazione.Ti consiglio di leggerne uno al giorno per centrarti sull’obiettivo della giornata.

To purchase, click on the above image or follow this link to my Amazon author page.

Health in Poetry Book 1, Book2 and Book3 are now available

Health in Poetry is written in simple rhyme, giving a sing-song tone, making it easier to read, and a fun way to allow people of all ages to find joy, happiness, and laughter in their lives. It offers ways to change ideas, knowledge, thinking processes and concepts, by illuminating a new healthy path to follow. I developed these poems overtime to assist clients in understanding how to gain health, improve their lives and find a new focus in accomplishing change. Health in Poetry gives methods to use, teaches how to accomplish this, how to incorporate this into your life, and what questions to ask. All leading to a life of improved health, life simplicity, wellbeing, and energy.

To purchase, click on the above image or follow this link to my Amazon author page.

Others Books coming soon: Health, More Affirmation & Poetry Books, Parenting and Children, Novel and Mixed Genre.

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