High Performance

Now the half year point has past
July is here and days move fast,
We all need energy to start each day
And Beetroot Juice is the healthy way.
Just have a shot for stamina and go
Helps the blood to improve its flow,
Increases oxygen and reduces fatigue
Elevates performance now you’re in league.
Relaxes smooth muscles after sport
Promotes fast recover which is what is sort,
Converts Fat to Fuel at higher rates
And does all of this without stimulants.
Dink some beetroot juice today
Make it a habit, start right away
Peta Zafir

Nitric oxide is a vital molecule produced in your body which promotes good blood flow; relaxes the inner muscles of the blood vessels, causing them to widen and increase circulation, also lowers blood pressure, improved brain function, allows blood, nutrient and oxygen to follow to the whole body and improves exercise performance.

Nitric oxide production decreases with age, also with the use of some mouthwashes and antacid medications, and limited consumption of fruit and vegetables. Studies show that turning forty may lower your natural nitric oxide production. As you age, you accumulate proteins in your artery walls, making them stiffer and hampering the flow of nutrient-rich blood and the one molecule that can help relieve these problems—nitric oxide—is in decline.

Performance, stamina, and recovery can be transformed by a therapeutic amount of dietary nitrate from concentrated beet juice, leading to a direct boost of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is essential to a number of integral reactions and functions in the body. The key to nitric oxide’s invaluable effect on health is the circulatory system. Nitric oxide provides circulatory and oxygen benefits for the body by relaxing smooth muscle and supporting blood flow to the tissues. Nitric oxide’s effect is safe. When exercising we may run out of oxygen, which leads to build up of lactic acid in the muscle tissue and fatigue. Fatigue and burn can be reduced by supplying more oxygen to the tissues, which reduces lactic acid build-up and, therefore, fatigue. Also boosting circulation, and blood flow are key components to a speedy recovery. Circulation is the main factor in the delivery of essential nutrients around the body – greater circulation equals efficient recovery.
It can also increase libido.
Drink 1 glass of beetroot juice daily to maintain your nitric oxide levels.

Our Clients are Our Focus and Your Health is our Concern
Incorporate HOPE into your life Today
Peta Zafir (Owner and Head Therapist)