Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

We are here and what a year
Sometimes blue skies and laughter and cheer
However the storms can bring floods and rain
Leaving people with enormous loss and pain.
Whatever happens, what personal plight
There are people who come to shine a light
Laughter and joy and friendship and time
Show us the strength, we sometimes can’t find.
When you have sad times and part-time tears
Let actions of love, relieve you of fear.
Peta Zafir

PTSD is a health issue that can develop in people who have been through a traumatic event which threatened their life or those around them. PTSD may occur after military combat, violent assault, natural disasters, involvement in violent and traumatic accidents and incidents, sexual or childhood abuse, and may also result in people who have had tremendous stress. It can cause anxiety, nightmares, flashbacks, avoidance of certain places and activities, sleeplessness, depression, Attention deficit disorder, chronic pain, chronic illnesses, aggressive behaviour, inability to cope in daily life and with common daily events, people and places; plus these symptoms can strike at any time.

PSTD develops because as one encounters stress, the sympathetic system – “fight, flight, or freeze” is commenced, the adrenal system is activated, cortisol is released, and the body prepares to Fight and Flight – run away; or one may Freeze. Once the threat is gone the body returns to the parasympathetic state – “rest, digest, & heal”.
PTSD sufferers don’t fully or even partially return to the parasympathetic position, they are always on alert. Like a car on high revving 24/7.

PTSD suffers may use alcohol and drugs as a way to avoid memories or to numb fear; this can exacerbate the symptoms making them more severe and may result in increased psychiatric and addictive disorders. Alcohol can worsen depression and anxiety and interfere with normal sleep pattern. 50% of people being treated for substance abuse meet the criteria for PTSD. There is Hope

Our Clients are Our Focus and Your Health is our Concern
Incorporate HOPE into your life Today
Peta Zafir (Owner and Head Therapist)